2nd Call serves high-risk offenders, with a continuum of programs, including: job readiness, life skills, court approved anger management and batterers intervention. 2nd Call provides an alternative to violence and abuse through intervention, counseling and support. All classes are aimed at promoting positive growth and post release mentorship.
2nd Call holds weekly life skills classes throughout Los Angeles County in which community members can come together to discuss a variety of topics, with the goal of community healing. Talking points are focused around “Dysfunctional Families”, with topics such as triggers, low self-esteem, effective communication, anger management and many others. The “Dysfunctional families” life skills curriculum is the heartbeat of 2nd Call, acknowledging that without prioritizing the healing process, our communities will not be able to reach their full life potential. Participants are encouraged to share their own experience to connect with and learn from others.
Research shows that unresolved trauma develops through a lack of safe places for individuals to release their bottled-up feelings and emotions. We build on strengths, heal family connections, and explore the impacts of personal, community, and intergenerational trauma, strategies for resilience, and motivations for breaking the cycles of poverty and violence. Through 2nd Call life skills classes, community members learn the differences between what is "normal" and what is "healthy". By providing a space in which community members are physically and emotionally safe, the healing process can begin. 2nd Call life skills classes are facilitated by highly trained 2nd Call staff with extensive life experiences.
4:00 pm Life Skills Class in Person
Located at: Chuco's
7625 S. Central Ave.
Los Angeles, CA 90001
6:30 pm Círculos de Sanación (Español)
Life Skills (In Spanish)
Para mas informacíon:
Carmen Chavez
(470) 759-7057 or carmen@2ndcall.org